Fox Story #4702: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Family (2025)

Greg Wilsbacher

Dobbiamo infine segnalare la perdita di alcuni amici di lunga data. Sono morti nel corso del 2009 Gosta Werner, che aveva compiuto da poco 101 anni e nel 1999 era stato insignito del Premio Jean Mitry; Gianni Vitrotti, della gloriosa dinastia di cineoperatori e tecnici italiani; e João Bénard Da Costa, un archivista di straordinaria cultura estetica. Questa XXVIII edizione delle Giornate è dedicata a loro. Nella serata finale si terrà poi una speciale proiezione di Alice's Wild West Show di Walt Disney: è il nostro affettuoso saluto alla protagonista del cartoon, Virginia Davis, che nel 1992 fu ospite d'onore delle Giornate e che è scomparsa lo scorso 15 agosto a 90 anni. Al di là del rimpianto personale, desideriamo qui rendere omaggio a tutti loro perché, ciascuno a suo modo, ha arrricchito l'esperienza cinematografica di ciascuno di noi.-LIVIO JACOB, DAVID ROBINSON We have particular pleasure in presenting the 28th edition of the Giornate del Cinema Muto: we believe that, thanks to the support and advice of friends and archives across the world we have assembled one of our strongest programmes to date. The extraordinary phenomenon that we have discovered in the course of these 28 years is that far from the danger of running out of films, each year seems to produce more and more rediscoveries and restorations. Our problem is rather what reluctantly to exclude, for the sake of programming time, than what to show. With past presentations of Mozhukhin, Clair, and Feyder, guests might have felt that they had already seen the best of the work of Albatros Film, the remarkable production house set up in Paris by Russian émigrés in the 1920s. This year's special presentation, in collaboration with the Cinémathèque française, shows there is much more to come: we can marvel at the technical flair of these films, the spectacular art direction of Lochakov and Meerson, the thematic courage, and incidentally the comedic charm of Nicolas Rimsky. "Sherlock and Beyond" explores the international influence of Conan Doyle's eccentric English sleuth in shaping the detective film. New discoveries reveal new aspects of three great divas of early cinema, Francesca Bertini, Asta Nielsen, and Pola Negri. By a small miracle we are able to celebrate the centenary of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes with the newly identified and only known film of the company's dancers, first shown in Bologna in July 2009 and now matched with the music that originally accompanied the dances. Two films recall the peripatetic Harold Shaw-his remarkable and precocious African production The Rose of Rhodesia and a charming addition to the H.G. Wells filmography, The Wheels of Chance. The latter is shown as part of a tribute to our friends and collaborators, the British Silent Film Festival. Early film is represented by two more programmes from the Corrick Collection, the discovery of the till now little-known Italian pioneer, Italo Pacchioni, and a sampling of early films as an introduction to the new series of volumes on "Screen Decades". An innovation this year is "The Canon Revisited", which will annually screen the best available new restorations of seven classics-the films which everyone knows but which, as it often turns out, few have actually seen or remember. This first year's selection ranges from Abel Gance's monumental J'accuse and DeMille's The Ten Commandments to Camerini's more modest study of an uneasy but intense love affair, Rotaie. A special programme pays tribute to the 60th anniversary of the Jugoslovenska Kinoteka with a selection from its rich and rare collections; while the section "Rediscoveries and Restorations" includes an impressive series of new restorations to mark the 40th anniversary of the CNC archive at Bois d'Arcy, as well as two delicious comedies from Berlin's Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv. This year's opening orchestral show is Erich von Stroheim's The Merry Widow, with a score by Maud Nelissen, who has for the first time persuaded the Lehár estate to permit the use of themes from the original stage operetta. Günter Buchwald will conduct Betty Olivero's score for Der Golem, with string quartet and Welsh clarinet prodigy Lee Mottram. It is particularly gratifying that two of our musical shows are presented by local artists. Federico Missio and Juri Dal Dan will perform their award-winning score to Chaplin's The Rink, while for the third year, "Striking a New Note" presents Pordenone/Cordenons schoolchildren, guided by gifted, imaginative, and cinephile teachers, this year accompanying A Night in the Show and The Playhouse. Touve R. Ratovondrahety's accompaniment for Feyder's Carmen is inspired by the film's original score by the then 21-year-old Ernesto Halffter, a disciple of De Falla. For the final night, we are proud to present the internationally celebrated Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in their "Ukulelescope"-their first brush with cinema and an inspired if not always over-respectful musical tribute to early film. All this, and much more. Our honoured guests this year include Maud Linder, the sole descendant and last living link with the supreme Max Linder; and (now our very own) Jean Darling, who has promised to sing some more songs from cinema history. We are particularly happy to welcome Leatrice Gilbert Fountain, whose father John Gilbert is the star of our opening film, The Merry Widow, while her mother Leatrice Joy stars in DeMille's The Ten Commandments. This year's Jonathan Dennis Lecture is given by Edith Kramer, who as director of the Pacific Film Archive brought a new quality of imagination to the work of curatorship. Two talented musicians will work with our resident musicians in the Pordenone Masterclasses-generally recommended as one of the best Vincitori delle edizioni precedenti / Previous winners

Fox Story #4702: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Family (2025)


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